To apply for a job with Allied Guard Services, Inc., please fill up the form below:

  1. Fill in your information as accurately as possible.
  2. Click the Submit button to submit your information to our Human Resource Department.
  3. As soon as an employment position matching your qualifications becomes available, a member of our Human Resource department will contact you to arrange an time for interview.

Note: If any of the information provided is false, your application will not be considered for employment.

Applicant information

are you a citizen of the United States ?
  • yes
  • no
if no, are you authorized to work in the U.S. ?
  • yes
  • no
have you ever worked for this company ?
  • yes
  • no
if so, when ?
have you ever been charged/convicted of a misdemeanor or felony ?
  • yes
  • no
if yes, explain ?


did you graduate?
  • yes
  • no
did you graduate?
  • yes
  • no
did you graduate?
  • yes
  • no


Non Related






previous employment

may we contact your previous supervisor for a reference?
  • yes
  • no
may we contact your previous supervisor for a reference?
  • yes
  • no


Do you have a guard card?
  • yes
  • no
Do you have Firearm license ?
  • yes
  • no

disclaimer and signature

I certify that my answers are true and completed to the best of my knowledge. If this application leads to employment, I understand that false or misleading information in my application or interview may result in my release.